Learning Golf

How to Choose a Golf School

With golf being one of the most fun and best paying sports, many people are looking to hone their skills by learning from the best schools with the best instructors. However, not every golf school will deliver value for your money. As such, it is important to try and answer a few questions in advance if you’re looking to join a golf school that will cater to your needs.

How Many Students Will be Handled by a Single Instructor?

The best golf school should have the lowest student to instructor ratio. This ensures that every student gets worthy individual attention throughout the entire learning program. Working closely with your instructor will ensure that you stay on course to success. Ideally, working with one instructor during your entire program could be the best thing as the instructor will get to know you better and know how to bring out the best from you.

Does the School Have Experienced Instructors? Are they Full-time Instructors?

Will you in your right mind let a general practitioner operate on your brain or would you prefer to work with a neurosurgeon? You will most likely want to have the latter carry out the operation on you because they are specialised in issues concerning the brain. This also applies to learning, not just golf but any sport. A professional golf instructor that offers golf lessons full-time will have better skills and more ability than someone who does it part-time. A Veteran gold instructor has the ability to notice the weak areas of the trainees faster and provide a lasting solution quickly.

Does the School Have The Right Facilities?

Thinking of learning golf theory in one school and attending another school for practical? As a golf trainee, you will want a school with enough facilities so that you don’t need to seek them elsewhere. Take time to survey the school and see the condition of the golf course. Is it well maintained? Taking the knowledge learned in class on the real golf course should be part of every good program. Also check if students are able to practice indoors in case of bad weather. You don’t want to miss lessons just because it has been raining the whole week.

Are the Programs Flexible?

With many people preferring to learn golf part-time, it is important that gold schools tailor their teaching programs to the needs of students. While there are those who will want to attend school over the weekends, there are those who may only want to dedicate one or two hours to learning before or after work. When looking for a golf school, you will want to know how their programs are run. If the programs seem to coincide with your other activities, then you may need to look for another school.